The Uniform

The Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu gi is a black uniform with 1″ white on the cuffs of the arms and legs. There is a 1″ white trim along the bottom of the jacket but not up the side splits.

Any school logos, back patches or embroidery may be placed on the back of the gi jacket. There should only be one of those on the back of the jacket unless otherwise approved by the KGS BBS.


The Karazenpo Go Shinjustu style patch is to be worn on the left side covering the heart. The KGS patch is not to be worn on either pant leg. Above the KGS patch is the Black Belt Society (KGS BBS) banner patch. Individual school patches are to be placed on the right side of the chest or on the right sleeve of the jacket. If the school is an AFFILIATE member of the KGS BBS, then the KGS BBS banner patch is placed above that. Both the US flag and State of Hawaii flags are placed on the left shoulder. US flag is on top and the Hawaiian flag patch is placed beneath it. Blue fields should be towards the front of the sleeves and uniform so it appears as if the flag is flying off the shoulder.